Inline liquid concentration monitoring

Contributing with products, expertise and collaboration



Welcome to
KxS Technologies

KxS Technologies' digital concentration monitors and process refractometers are built on over 40 years of industry-leading experience. Our deep know-how and innovative approach have enabled the introduction of cutting-edge optical refractive index measurement technology.

We at KxS Technologies are here to assist you with your process monitoring needs—offering support at every stage. From expert application consultation and selecting the right solution to smooth startup and lifecycle support, we have got you covered.

KxS process refractometers DCM are purpose-built to meet the diverse needs of semiconductor, bioprocessing, food, beverage, chemical, sugar, and pulp and paper processing industries worldwide.

All our refractometers are stand-alone with built-in intelligence and seamless connectivity through analog 4-20 mA or Modbus TCP outputs, ensuring modern real-time process control. User-friendly displays are also available for easy access and local monitoring, delivering precision and reliability for every application.

News and Updates

Pulp&Beyond Conferens 2024

Come and visit us at Messukeskus in Helsinki 9-11 of April 2024
22.02.2024 hrs 15:21

Presenting KxS Technologies








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